For example, the image below has a measurement that goes beyond the space between two inch marks (that is, one full inch). In order to determine the length, you must add the lengths between inches together. When the length stops, take a reading on the tape measure. Put the end of the measure at one end of the item or space you want to measure. This tape divides one more time, down to 1⁄ 32". Most tape measure markings go as small as 1⁄ 16 ". The remaining markings follow a similar pattern.You can think of a half-inch mark as half way between a full inch. Same principle as reading one inch, only this time the space between the second-biggest mark and the biggest is read. The space from the largest mark to another is 1 inch. For example, ½" has a bigger mark than ¼" which has a bigger mark than ⅛", and so on. As the increments decrease, so does the length of the mark.On a standard tape measure, the biggest marking is the inch mark (which generally has the biggest number, if it has them).

The guides below for how to read a tape measure and how to measure on a tape measure assume Imperial (American) units for the explanations. Specialized versions can include markings that cover truss lengths for roofing and stud intervals for housing. Tape measures come in both Imperial Units (inches and feet) and metric (centimeters and meters), featuring unit breakdowns for further accuracy. Ferrand’s design was later sold to Stanley Works. It wasn’t until carpenters adopted the Farrand Rapid Rule, patented by Hiram Farrand, that the tape measure became a staple of common usage. The modern idea of tape measures originated in tailoring with cloth tape used to alter or fix clothing.

However, the term covers all types of tape measures – even tailor’s tape. The actual tape potion of the measure, called the ‘ribbon,’ is usually constructed from a stiff metallic material that can stiffen when needed but can also roll up for simple use and storage. Generally speaking, the term “tape measure” refers to a roll-up, self-retracting style tape measure that’s designed for carpentry. They are among the most common measuring tools used today.

Tape measures are made from a variety of materials, including fiber glass, plastic and cloth. A tape measure, also called measuring tape, is a type of flexible ruler.